think BIG. think whY.
creating the ‘way’ with ‘whY'
The BIG whY.

concept. (Pre-product and pre-revenue.)
What is your BIG whY? What is the critical problem? How will your concept become the solution? We help transform a great concept into an essential solution to help resolve important problems.
Catalyst: Transformation of a great concept into a commercially-sustainable venture to resolve a critical problem, plus, empower a start-up entrepreneur to become a successful founder.
prototype. (Post-product and pre-revenue.)
We help researchers and scientists design, develop, implement and commercialise invaluable products, knowledge or IP resources to support a more sustainable health industry.
Catalyst: Helping universities and research institutes secure funds to retain prototypes and IP ownership, instead of outsourcing or licensing to external organisations.
venture. (Post-product, post-revenue and global expansion.)
We help entrepreneurs align with the right teams, intelligence and expertise to maximise venture potential with sustainable strategy planning for commercial success and global exposure.
Catalyst: Empowering entrepreneurs and great visions succeed, while ownership and control remains in tact.
enterprise. (Multi-national innovation initiatives.)
We look for innovative enterprises with a desire to charter into new product market sectors. We help innovators execute commercial strategies to secure financial capital required for success.
Catalyst: Helping innovative enterprises go beyond vision ambitions by nurturing an environment that breaks away from conventional business structure, to maximise opportunities to global scale.